Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Look what I found!

Today is another anniversary of my arrival in Taiwan, to be specific the four week anniversary.
Or, in other words, one month.
One whole month!
I've officially been here a whole month!!

Last week, to celebrate the three week anniversary, I posted pictures of amazing things that I have found in Taiwan.

This week, I've got something a bit more special.
(It IS a month-a-versary, after all!
I promise I won't be this obnoxious the entire time I'm here, just for this first little while...)

See, my adventures here wouldn't be nearly as memorable without those I've shared them with.
Most of these superb people have been featured at least once, but here are a few of the choicest tidbits from my lovely little camera -

These first ones are from one of our very first days here,
when we went to Earthquake Park where there is a
fish pond...
where people go to watch fish...
I guess to de-stress...
And actually, I have fallen almost fallen asleep several times while watching Lan
(our household betta fish)
So there might be something to the fish park phenomena...

Anyway, here is Kylie and Kendra -

And here is Kylie and Kendra trying out the rock foot therapy -


But... back for more?

"Oh! It was so much fun to walk on rocks and inflict our feet with sharp pain! Let's do it again!"
(Or something to that affect...)

And this one =

Here is Kylie at a yummy little bakery called Hahu -

 Me and Kendra at Starbucks!
Who'd have guessed that the first frappacino I ever had would be in Taiwan?
Not me!

Adventures in Feng Yuan... these truly speak for themselves -

Except maybe this one which should be entitled
"Almost lost and mostly confused in Feng Yuan"

Glorious, isn't it?
Don't you wish you could go to a restaurant named MariHuana?

On the 4th of July, some of us got to go visit James,
an incredibly generous Taiwanese man who has taken the teachers of Berhan
into his home and family in order to make us feel more welcome here in this country...
as if we needed another reason to love it here! 
And yet, he provides a particularly delightful excuse to like this country.
This is the view from the top floor of his apartment building -

Zhua bing!!
We found some in Feng Yuan!
And oooh is it good... a definite favorite!

I couldn't help but throw this one in there -
Ten points if you can guess what's wrong with this picture! (:

The whole gang at the oh-so-yummy Orange Chicken restaurant!
(which doesn't actually serve actual orange chicken)
I am SO thankful to be in Taiwan with these ladies!

First movie in Taiwan!
Transformers 3 in 3D!
And it was almost as cool as we all look in these glasses -

Kylie's Chinese Sprite model picture...
It should probably be in a magazine.

And, of course!
The premiere of Harry Potter.
Just so y'all know? We saw it before you.
Just a day or two... but it totally counts!

Also, rather than having to watch the credits, we were lucky enough to be blasted with Lady Gaga.


Here is my fellow MK (Morning Kindergarten) teacher, Ms. Jessica Shumway.
She's amazing!
Don't you love her necklaces? (:

These are the people who have made this last month worth remembering!
And like I said before, I'm so glad they're all here with me!

Xie Xie, my fellow teachers <3

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