Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How did it get so late so soon?

But seriously, though.
Today is the three-week anniversary of my arrival in Taiwan.
I have already been in Taiwan for three weeks.  THREE WEEKS!  Has it really been that long? 
Better question... why do I feel like I've been here my whole life?
I can't believe how fast the time already seems to be going. 
I mean... I've had almost an entire month here.
That's one of the six (or possibly 12) months that I will be here for, already gone.

Which is why the title of this blog is (if I might say) so perfect.
It comes from a Dr. Seuss quote that I happened upon recently -

"How did it get so late so soon?
 It's night before it's afternoon.
 December is here before it's June.
 My goodness how the time has flewn.
 How did it get so late so soon?"

See, anytime I am somewhere that I really want to be,
the time is like one of those "fun size" bags of Skittles. 
(Side note - I have no idea why they are called that.
 It seems to me that a bigger bag is more fun, not a smaller bag.
 Those teeny tiny little packages are more depressing than fun...
but anyway back to my story...)
The days are bursting with color and flavor while they're there, but they are gone far too quickly.
It's a reoccurring theme in my life. 

But! I'm not complaining!
(Well, except about those deceiving Skittle bags...)

I feel so incredibly lucky every single day I'm here to have been given anytime here at all.
So, to celebrate this three-week anniversary,
here are some of the random things I've found here in Taiwan:

Cute little vans that area all over the place!

Wicked-awesome statue that is just kind of randomly by this building near where we live...
I don't really understand the point of it, but it looks cool!

Burning paper money, I believe for their ancestors or to appease the gods or something...
This is a pretty common sight...

Such pretty lights on the Tunnel of Death!
And inside the Tunnel of Death... there is LOVE

It looks even more delicious in Chinese.

A giant fish.
Every park should have one.

So there are many, many examples here of what we teachers like to call "Chinglish",
meaning English words with Chinese grammar.
It sometimes makes no sense...
It is sometimes hilarious...
And it is sometimes simply, sweetly inspiring.

These ones are mainly just funny.

Yep! Isn't it great?
And under this sign ->

That, my friends, is Barack and Michelle Obama.
Close up ->

Never expected to see them in Taiwan...

Lovin' the Marilyn Monroe cartoon on this little coin purse...

 And that one pretty much says it all!

"Lock together 4ever"

That's me and Taiwan, down to the letter.


  1. My daughter is an amazing writer!! I love you Kakes! I am so glad you are there having so many fabulous experiences! Love you! MOMMY

  2. "It looks even more delicious in Chinese!" HAHAHAHAHA.
